• Matt Allyn
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  • You are not Alex Fucking Hormozi: Content That Actually Creates Sales

You are not Alex Fucking Hormozi: Content That Actually Creates Sales

Reader, recently @hormozi has been giving the advice to, “give, give, give, give give and give so much they ask you to work with you.”

He’s changing Gary Vee’s advice of “Jab, Jab, Hook” which basically states to give a lot of value in your content then make an ask (i.e. “sign up for my program”).

I love Gary’s advice.

I hate Hormozi’s advice.

Easy to say to give and never ask when you have a million+ audience.

Hormozi is actually contradicting himself so hard.

Go read his book $100M Leads and you’ll know why.

Actually you don’t have to, I’ll tell you right now.

The entire book lays out a process of getting leads (duh) broken into 2 core groups.

Inbound vs Outbound Lead Gen

  • Inbound = Your leads make the first move. You can think “organic” content.​They love your content, newsletter, podcast, etc. so much they click the link in the bio and sign up for your program or book a sales call (for example).​

  • Outbound = You are actively going out for sales.​Your content is less focused on value and more “asking for the sale.” This could be cold DMs, cold calls, Ads, or an email that says, “Last chance to sign up for the membership!”

Hormozi is now telling you only do inbound. Don’t ask for a sale.

But in his book he not only tells you to do both.

He even JUST post this reel which is outbound lead gen.

So WTF do we do?

He loves to say, “Success leaves clues.”

You don’t do what millionaires do now. You do what they did that got them there.

Alex built and sold GymLaunch for $46.2 million in 2021.

GymLaunch helped gym owners use Facebook ads to get people to sign up for a 6 week weight loss program at a gym (their zone of genius) and at the end of the 6 weeks would turn those people into members at the gym thus solving a gym owners problem of having low cash flow (problem they solve).

GymLaunch got their clients (this is all in the book $100M Leads) through Facebook ads and cold calls (outbound).

Before Hormozi blew up like he has today, I knew him from the gym and fitness world. He had like 35k followers. He wasn’t nobody. He posted a little bit of content, but not much (inbound).

Ads are hard (I’ve tried them). They take a bit of capital and a willingness to lose money at first.

Lots of us don’t have that luxury.​

So what do we focus on? Inbound or Outbound?

We do both.

I love the Gary Vee approach and think of it like a bank.

Deposit so much money into a bank (inbound) and when it’s time, you make your withdraw (outbound).​

Inbound: Make really great content that actually provides value.

Value is broken up into 4 categories.

  1. Educational Content: This is a post that people can walk away and implement something.

    Education is not telling people WHAT they should be doing. Education is telling them HOW to do it.​

    What you can do: Watch your last educational post. If at the end of your post you don’t know exactly what to do next, then your audience hasn’t learned anything. This makes the post is not valuable. It’s a waste of time. They won’t come back for more. (zero dopamine hit)​

  2. Connection Content: This is even higher value than learning something.
    We can all Google anything we want. Education and information isn’t very valuable anymore. It’s why diamonds are valuable (hard to get) and a rock is not (shits everywhere).​

    Connection content can be telling a story and (what most people miss) sharing your emotions throughout the story. How often do we feel alone? Like we’re the only ones experiencing something? It feels SO GOOD when your mentor says, “I’ve had a really down month and have only made 2 sales.” What a breath of fresh air. Ahhh, they struggle too. Okay, then I got this! It builds trust and connection with your audience.​

    What you can do: I teach two types of stories: (a) Personal and (b) Industry.

    An industry story would be me telling you about a specific moment when my marketing wasn’t working. Or when business wasn’t goin so well. Then I would share a lesson I learned (double value! You connect and learn something).

    A personal story has nothing to do with the work I do. Like taking the final turn my bike trip across America, or watching my dad hold my mom as we watched our house burn down. Then I would share what this means to me. How it has shaped my values or world views. My audience would relate, feel seen, and this would build deeper connection.​

  3. Belief Breaking Content: Arguably the highest form of value.​ Breaking your belief on how things HAVE TO BE DONE can be life changing.

    ​Imagine you FULLY BELIEVE that being more general will help you reach more people and grow your business. But you’ve been making general content for years and it ain’t workin. Maybe you don’t even know you’re doing it!! Then I say, “Think about your favorite movie right now. Your story is nothing like the story in your favorite movie. I’ll use Lion King as the example. None of us are baby cubs in Africa trying to be king of the jungle. But we all know what it’s like to think we’re not worthy or capable of our big dreams or what our parents want us to be. While Lion King is a very specific story, YOU found yourself in it. YOU get chills when Simba finally steps on the ledge of that rock and ROARS and everyone roars back. He fucking did it!!! My dude is stepping into his power!!!! LFG!!!!”​

    Alright… I “taught” you nothing. But hopefully I just broke your belief on your fear of getting more specific with your content (and telling your story).​

    What you can do: Think about metaphors and counter examples that your client understands and relate them to the thing you teach. In doing so, you relief them of years of pain because they’ve been doing things that don’t work. If you are responsible for that… damn how could they not work with you?​

  4. Entertainment​: Imagine just having fun with content. What a wild concept.

    Probably a lot of content you see is simply makes you smile or shed tears of joy. Why do you think all those videos of randomly giving people $1000 go viral? We fucking love it! We love to feel good.​

    When Geico makes a commercial about “Hump Dayeeeeee!” you smile. You go into work on Wednesday and yell to Mike, “Mike, Mike, Mike, guess what day it is!” Now you (unconsciously) associate happiness with Geico.​

    So go ahead…

    ❤️ Post the video of your daughter taking her first steps.

    ❤️ Post the video your banter with your partner on whether the TP should roll under or over.

    ❤️ Post the video telling your grandma your pregnant.

    ❤️ Post the video of you eating a pickle even though you hate pickles.

    ❤️ Post the video of you bringing your puppy home for the first time.​

    Have some fucking fun for fucks sake.

Outbound: Here are 4 free options you can do TODAY!

  1. Get on your IG stories and tell people what problem you solve for them and let me know you have space for 2 more clients (or if you make art, maybe you only have 5 pieces left!)

    If I had a nickel for every person who asked me how to make more sales and I ask them how many times they’ve talked about their product on their story and they say ZERO… I’d have like a dollar.​

  2. Make a poll, then respond to everyone who votes.
    →Could be a fun poll where you ask them if they use chapstick or not. Then you go chat with them in the DMs about chapstick because you’re a normal human who talks about normal shit.
    → Could be a poll about the work you do. Go get curious with everyone who votes and see if you can get more clarity on what they really struggle with.​​

  3. Share screenshots of testimonials.​
    Everyone is thinking, “easy for you Reader!” So show them that you’ve helped others.
    You can even give background on a person so they can relate. ”Mike is a yoga instructor but wanted to break free of the studio and start a breathwork program.” and bam you show how everyone how he made $8k in his first month.
    Now Jimmy, the Personal Trainer who wants to break free of the gym, can see himself in that social proof example.​

  4. DM everyone who comments on your posts.
    → You could ask for feedback, “Thanks for the love Matt! Do you mind me asking, what was most impactful in that post? Any feedback is always helpful so I can continue making better content.”
    → You can challenge them with action, “Hey Matt! I’m so happy that post was helpful!! So I gotta ask, what story are you going to share this week with your audience?”
    → You can simply say hi and get to know them, “Matty Ice! Love that you loved my post the other day!! I saw that you’re really into biking. Are you training for anything right now?”​

Deep Breath Don’t feel like you need to do all of this!!!

Pick one new INBOUND idea.

Pick one new OUTBOUND idea.

Give it a shot this week.

If if helps you get some more engagement or even a sale, reply to this email and let me know!!


P.S. I really love Hormozi and think he’s a genius.